Sunday 29 December 2013

Happy 2014!!!

So we started a blog this year. And then did nothing with it for a month! Well that's how December always goes. It is really hard to concentrate on things that are 'serious business' when you're at home at your parents. I have been absolutely terrible with essays and uni things since I've been at home. I tell you, it's not easy being pampered and distracted!!

But, since we last spoke some interesting stuff both good and crappy has wandered my way! so I'm going to sum it up in a bullet list because who doesn't love a good old fashioned bullet list?

  • My crapberry has finally died. This is both bittersweet, as it died when I kind of needed it, however its dead and my new phone is arriving tomorrow. I got a Sony Xperia L which will be my first android phone ever! I am super excited because I can finally be down with the kids (people my age) and have things like snapchat and other things.
  • Secondly, I have been cured of some of my skin irritations! Which was a LOVELY christmas gift.
  • Thirdly, Christmas happened! TWICE. House christmas where I gave all my housemates their christmas presents and they loved it! :D
  • Real Christmas was a lovely day! I got many wonderful gifts which I will do a haul post on shortly once I have a lovely camera phone again! (I may be trying to wangle a camera too.)
  • Essay 1/2 for the christmas period has been done! Which was a battle and a half because I caught a serious case of the World of Warcraft. It's been an uphill struggle to get *anything* done, but I did it! Now all I have to do is one.

So there is my list of not exciting exciting things. I will definitely be posting a lot more in the new year! I will be showing off my new blog-book which I will be using to jot down all of my ideas for blog posts. Currently I have a blog post planned about worrying and how to deal with it. I think this is a really important thing to learn how to deal with worry whether its big things or little things.

So! Sorry for the horribly disorganised post, but this one is really just a: I AM STILL ALIVE HERE


Saturday 23 November 2013

Christmas time? What the heck?! A haul

Let me explain.

I'm not normally the early christmas kind of person. In fact, I quite hate the fact that Christmas starts in September now a days. I hate the fact that I can't escape the same 4 Christmas songs playing in EVERY SHOP IN TOWN.

However, as much as I complain, I love my housemates and I am going to give you a little sneak peek of what they've got for Christmas. Normally, I'm the first to shout: NO GIFTS THIS YEAR! because I'm broke. But this is my final year living with them (maybe?!) and we had to make this special. SO. Here's the low down.

I tried to go for a mixture of sentimentality and things they'd actually want. For Danni, I bought...

The Sleek eyeshadow Pallette called Storm. I love the colours in this palette and I think she will too. The reason I chose this is because she collects Sleek palettes and she doesn't have this one. It has a good mixture of nudes and smokey colours which is what she tends to wear. Price wise? Absolute Bargain. She had the most spent on her and I think it was worth it. I can't wait till she opens it!!

Now onto Lilly. Lilly was a bugger to buy for because this is the first year we've actually lived together. Even though we've been friends for two years now. However, I love what I bought her because it's something she comments on all the time. I bought her...

The Revlon Pedi-Expert pedicure set! Whilst I was buying Danni's palette, I was browsing the superdrug website looking for Lilly. She has all she needs in the way of makeup and toiletries so that was a no go. But then I remembered... The advert!! She always comments when an advert for the electronic version of this thing comes on saying how she wants one! Well. I decided: Why not get her one of tho- OH HOLY CRAP ITS £40. Nope. Not happening. So, I got her this one instead! A mixture of function and a testimony to my paying attention to the little things.

Now, Gemma is not officially a housemate, though she might as well be. We love her dearly in this household and she is welcome at any time. So, over the two years I've known Gemma, there as been a common theme in what we tend to talk about. Unfortunately one of them is body odor. I have NO IDEA why we talk about it, but Gemma is a life saver as she always has something that smells gorgeous in her bag. So I bought her...

3 of the scents from the boots Natural Collection. I LOVE these things. For a very low cost, they provide an amazing burst of incredibly fresh scent that smells amazing. The downside is that they don't last very long, but for a body spray that smells this amazing it's absolutely okay to buy these things. I myself have the Apple and Lime one and I Loooooooove it. (When I know where it is! I am terrible for losing things).

Finally, We have my last housemate. My dearest, Darlingest Chole. Or Chloe. (I call her Chole because her previous school spelt her name wrong and I thought it was bloody hilarious.) Chole and I have a very... good understanding of eachother I think. I really cherish the chemistry we have between us. It's jokey, it can be serious and I'll never forget how kind of a person she is. Now, Chole loves all things Batman and Spiderman. Soooooo I bought her....

A batman logo top! I saw it when I was perusing Primark (and standing there while girls bought bras which is my least favourite type of shopping because I get nothing from it. I'm gay. Ladies underwear is not exactly a turn on and I never get to see it unless I'm in the room when the girl is getting changed.) and Danni pointed this out. I immediately charged over and had it through the cash register whilst Chole was downstairs buying a new pair of tracksuit bottoms.

So there is my Haul for Christmas! It's pretty crappy for a haul, but I will be doing more of these when Christmas is over and done with and I have a student loan again! Yay!

Thanks for Reading!

Nemo <33

Friday 22 November 2013


So, here we go! Blog post numero 2. And today we're going to be talking about nostalgia.

I found my DS a couple of weeks back loaded with all of my pokémon games. I know! Nostalgia right? I decided to start over a new file and see what challenges I could do. None of them appealed to me so don't worry you're not about to get a load of pokémon related drivel. I would rather talk about Nostalgia.

I think Nostalgia is a double edged sword. You carry these memories so fondly that you kind of ignore the bad bits. That's not bad right? Well when you're talking in the context of childhood games of course not. You don't need to remember the hours you spent training pokemon or arguing over who was who in a game of house. You just need to remember the good bits.

However, Nostalgia is a double edged sword because it can give you false memories too. Here's where we take a little bit of a serious turn. In my readings for my course I often encounter very nostalgic conservative pieces of analysis that holds the past up as some holy grail of times gone by. Particularly when it comes to youth culture or crime. They hold this bizarre notion that these problems didn't happen "back in the day".

Can we just point out: Youth crime has been a 'huge problem' since the Victorian era? It annoys me when they harken back to this golden age that never existed. Like, the 1950's? Times were better then? What with no rights for Ethnic Minorities? No rights for the LGBT community? No rights for Women?! Stupid conservative analytical pieces.

Anyhoo, before I ride my soapbox any further, Let's leave it here. Sometimes I like to vent my academic frustrations on the internet. You see, Currently I am delving into the healthcare system through the eyes of feminism, Forensic Mental Health from a Liberal perspective, Delinquency from a historical view AND The Welfare State and Education from the stand point of a Liberal. I have a lot of feelings because these topics are quite emotional. But that's something I'll touch on later! I promise my blog post tomorrow will be much more lighthearted!

(It's Christmas Related!)



Wednesday 20 November 2013


Welcome to Nemotyle!

This is probably my bazilliontyeth time trying to start a blog. But actually, I think I may have an angle that will keep this one going for a little while at least. That's right, I have a strategy. For those of you that know me, and that's not going to be any of you because lets face it, I made a blog and this is the first post. But you'll know I am a little bit flaky and have issues with forcing myself to stick to something because I have confidence issues.

So, to break some ice into tiny little pieces, lets play a game! THE 50 RANDOM QUESTIONS TAG!